How Many Jedi Were There Before Order 66 - Orange Media
How Many Jedi Were There Before Order 66

How Many Jedi Were There Before Order 66

Order 66, aka clone protocol 66, was the order given by darth sidious at the end of revenge of the sith that caused the clone army to turn on their jedi leaders. If youre short on time, heres a quick answer to your question: There were approximately 10,000 jedi in the galaxy before order 66. In this article, we will delve into the. I think wookieepedia estimates the number of jedi at the time of the purge to be approximately 10,000 give or take, including younglings.

Order 66, aka clone protocol 66, was the order given by darth sidious at the end of revenge of the sith that caused the clone army to turn on their jedi leaders. If youre short on time, heres a quick answer to your question: There were approximately 10,000 jedi in the galaxy before order 66. In this article, we will delve into the. I think wookieepedia estimates the number of jedi at the time of the purge to be approximately 10,000 give or take, including younglings.

Using the estimates in wookieepedia, (1% survival rate with 100 or so surviving) this meant there were approximately 10,000 jedi at the start of order 66.

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PG version of Anakin and the younglings during Order 66 | /r