How Old Was Anakin When He Died - Orange Media
How Old Was Anakin When He Died

How Old Was Anakin When He Died

So if attack of the clones is 10 years later that would put anakin at 20 years old and his birthday would've had to be days before they were assigned to protect padme from the assassination attempts. So therefore she is 24 or 25 in attack of the clones at the time and revenge of the sith is 3 years later, putting anakin at 23 years and padme at. It's what napoleon wilson says: A good alternative to the obvious because when he finds out, he didn't know 20 years later somebody would come up with a backstory where he's not supposed to know he has children. When george lucas made the first star wars movie he didn't even intended that darth vader was luke and leia's father.

So if attack of the clones is 10 years later that would put anakin at 20 years old and his birthday would've had to be days before they were assigned to protect padme from the assassination attempts. So therefore she is 24 or 25 in attack of the clones at the time and revenge of the sith is 3 years later, putting anakin at 23 years and padme at. It's what napoleon wilson says: A good alternative to the obvious because when he finds out, he didn't know 20 years later somebody would come up with a backstory where he's not supposed to know he has children. When george lucas made the first star wars movie he didn't even intended that darth vader was luke and leia's father.

At that time, it was unusual for them to train anyone as old as anakin, for various reasons. The fact that anakin is so powerful in the force that they ended up training him anyway. (in hindsight, all the people who said he was too old were probably right. ) Anakin feared for his mother who he dreamed her suffering. After finding her his fear became anger at the sandpeople who caused her death which quickly lead to his hatred of them as shown when he told padme what he did to them and slaughtering an entire camp of sandpeople, women and children included, is a very dark side thing to do. Anakin was somewhat unique in that he also owned two droids. He had no home to go to, and no money or valuable property with which he might obtain a home. He was faced with the choice of being penniless and homeless on his own, or being incredibly wealthy and powerful with palpatine. However, anakin's standing orders and first priority from when he and padme were on tatooine were to protect the senator at all costs: [to anakin] anakin, we will deal with count dooku; The most important thing for you is to stay where you are. Protect the senator at all costs. That is your first priority. This tactic for sidious is about allowing anakin feel great power and feeds into his pain and rage, which helps cultivate anakin to the dark side. Sidious tries this again in return of the jedi with darth vader and luke skywlaker, but the familial bond and luke's good intentions prevents darth vader from doing it again.

The most important thing for you is to stay where you are. Protect the senator at all costs. That is your first priority. This tactic for sidious is about allowing anakin feel great power and feeds into his pain and rage, which helps cultivate anakin to the dark side. Sidious tries this again in return of the jedi with darth vader and luke skywlaker, but the familial bond and luke's good intentions prevents darth vader from doing it again. After anakin kills dooku, there's a brief conversation in which palpatine begins teaching anakin the ways of the dark side (though it's subtle). You did well, anakin. He was too dangerous to be kept alive. Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner. I shouldn't have done that. It's not the jedi way. It is only natural. Anakin was loyal to the government that would become the first order. He was specifically loyal to coruscant and it's leader. Anakin believed that coruscant and it's assets were more strong and superior than other organizations of law. Palpatine convinced anakin that the old order and the new order were the same entity.

After anakin kills dooku, there's a brief conversation in which palpatine begins teaching anakin the ways of the dark side (though it's subtle). You did well, anakin. He was too dangerous to be kept alive. Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner. I shouldn't have done that. It's not the jedi way. It is only natural. Anakin was loyal to the government that would become the first order. He was specifically loyal to coruscant and it's leader. Anakin believed that coruscant and it's assets were more strong and superior than other organizations of law. Palpatine convinced anakin that the old order and the new order were the same entity.

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