Who Is Isildur To Aragorn - Orange Media
Who Is Isildur To Aragorn

Who Is Isildur To Aragorn

Aragorn was therefore the 39th heir of isildur, and also a descendant of anrion through friel. He was the rightful king of both gondor and arnor, and the only one who could. Aragorn's lineage not only ties him to gondor but also to the broader legacy of the nmenrean kings, so his being a direct descendant of isildur, represents a claim to both the throne of. Isildur's heir is a title uniquely relevant to aragorn. Although isildur did reign as high king, for a time, he installed meneldil (his brother's son) as king of gondor and took up the kingship of arnor.

Aragorn was therefore the 39th heir of isildur, and also a descendant of anrion through friel. He was the rightful king of both gondor and arnor, and the only one who could. Aragorn's lineage not only ties him to gondor but also to the broader legacy of the nmenrean kings, so his being a direct descendant of isildur, represents a claim to both the throne of. Isildur's heir is a title uniquely relevant to aragorn. Although isildur did reign as high king, for a time, he installed meneldil (his brother's son) as king of gondor and took up the kingship of arnor.

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