Why Did Tommy Kill Michael - Orange Media
Why Did Tommy Kill Michael

Why Did Tommy Kill Michael

Therefore, michael is under the impression that polly is trading tommy's life to save his and the rest of the family. This is where the perceived betrayal is: When tommy visits michael in the. In season 4 when michael lied to tommy about the deal, saying that luca's gun was misfired, tommy spent almost 10 seconds thinking about michael's word and realised michael had. With the threat of tuberculoma giving tommy a death sentence, michael (finn cole) vowing to kill him for vengeance over polly's death, and both his business and family.

Therefore, michael is under the impression that polly is trading tommy's life to save his and the rest of the family. This is where the perceived betrayal is: When tommy visits michael in the. In season 4 when michael lied to tommy about the deal, saying that luca's gun was misfired, tommy spent almost 10 seconds thinking about michael's word and realised michael had. With the threat of tuberculoma giving tommy a death sentence, michael (finn cole) vowing to kill him for vengeance over polly's death, and both his business and family.

First, to directly answer the key question tommy ultimately kills michael due to his escalating treachery and disloyalty towards both business and family. While protecting tommy, michael murders the man who arrives with alfie solomons (tom hardy). He kill father john hughes as well. It is implied that hughes was a.

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